I never win anything :(
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
A few days ago we experienced a few snow flurries which is big news in NC. Joe took Jude outside for a few minutes to check it out. You can’t really see the snow falling but trust me it was there and he thought it was awesome. PinShare
I think Jude is settling in to a sleep pattern, for now anyway. He typically wakes up anywhere between 9-10 am. Takes a nap around 11-12am then another nap around 3-4pm and goes to bed around 9-10pm. I’m perfectly O.K. with this schedule. Sometimes we get a little off if we have a bad night…
We are already in the throws of summer. Summer camp, swim meets, grilling out, vacations… I wanted to make a short bucket list of things to do with the kids this summer. I’m not going to be overly ambitious because I know my limitations with 3 small kids so here are a few of the…
Day 3 started off with a lot of drama. Despite the fact all the kids went to bed late they were all awake with the sun. So I decided to take them to the park so they could burn off some energy. After I got everyone loaded in the car (which is quite the adventure)…
OK Noah prepare to be swaddled Step 1: Daddy lays out the swaddling blanket Step 2: Daddy adds a baby to the blanket Step 3: Daddy swaddles the baby Step 4: Daddy makes sure baby hands don’t escape the blanket Step 5: Daddy has successfully swaddled newborn Hooray for awesome Dads! PinShare