Back in 2003 I first heard John Mark McMillan’s album Hope Anthology Volume One and was attracted to the raw lyrics of songs like “Hey Won’t You Come Around” and “Ominous”. Then in 2007 he released, Songs Inside the Sounds of Breaking Down another great album with some of my favorite songs like “Make You Move”, “Ashes and Flames”, “Kiss Your Feet” and the popular “How He Loves”. The release of McMillan’s newest album The Medicine does not disappoint. Over the course of only a few years both his lyrics and music have matured while still maintaining his poetic rock-n-roll style.
The Medicine is an album filled with beautiful imagery and emotion. The hit song, “Skeleton Bones” has a catchy melody which compels you to sing along, I know I do. My favorite songs on this album are “Carbon Ribs” and “Carolina Tide” both songs paint a beutiful picture of redemption and new life. I also love the rearranged “My Only” which was originally recorded on Hope Anthology, this is a beautifully soft song filled with hope. Another wonderful song of hope, which is Joe’s favorite, is “Between the Cracks” which is also from Hope Anthology. Overall, McMillan’s songs are beautiful and real that anyone can relate to and his lyrics are purely captivating.
About John Mark McMillan
North Carolina Singer/Songwriter John Mark McMillan began writing music like most teenage boys… to impress girls. But in 2002 his relationship with music changed after the tragic loss of his closest childhood friend. It was during this time of sorrow and loss that McMillan began to shape verses like “Kiss Your Feet”, a modern vision of Mary Magdalene, and an emotional climactic folk tune called “Ashes and Flames.” The first song of that generation, much of it written the day after the accident, was the song “How He Loves.” McMillan says the song was every bit a “tribute to a friend, a cry for understanding, and the worship that resulted from it all.”
“More than anything, I think The Medicine explores the implications of resurrection in our every day lives even the dead places of our lives that need resurrecting. To his own hurt, Jesus, chose to be a part of our world. Why would we pretend that we don’t bring all our love, loss, and insecurity with us into the conversations we call “worship”? After all, we don’t serve a God who is unacquainted with grief. He is not surprised by or even unfamiliar with the darkness that can plague a human heart. In fact, he specializes at dealing with that sort of thing.” – McMillan
McMillan recently signed with Integrity Music to release his new album The Medicine. Check out the tour dates to see if John Mark McMillan will be performing near you. McMillan spends the time he not recording or touring with his wife, Sarah and son Jude in their Charlotte, NC home.
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The featured product was provided to me free of charge. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced by the company.
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
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