Natural Remedy for Psoriasis – Psoriarid

Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the immune system that appears on the skin, usually in the form of thick, white or red scaly patches. While typically not physically harmful, it can cause social or personal issues among individuals because it is so unsightly. According to the National Institutes of Health, as many as 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis.

What is Psoriarid™?
Psoriarid was created in 2008 after a discovery that certain oils and esters in combination provide relief of psoriasis symptoms. Psoriarid is an all natural, herbal treatment for psoriasis. Psoriarid is a new product, having been launched in 2009 as a holistic alternative treatment to psoriasis instead of the traditional coal tar, salicylic acid, or steroid treatments that have been in the marketplace. The active ingredient in Psoriarid is a soy based ester, which when combined with tea tree oil and vitamin E oil, create a lightly scented product that will remove the white scaley skin plaque buildup, and help reduce redness and irritation. Learn more about Psoriarid

Buy: Psoriarid is available online at Psoriarid and at

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