NaturOli Extreme 18X Review
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
The fun begins tomorrow! Make sure you have the B Mine Gift Guide Button on your blog. You will get 3 additional entries into all the B Mine giveaways.*Here are some of the great companies participating in the B Mine Gift Guide: Oberon, Lands End, Bacon Salt, Omaha Steaks, Teleflora… and many more. * Mandatory entry…
I’m raising my family in the same neighborhood where I grew up, in fact, the same exact house. With all the nostalgia that comes with raising your kids in the same house where you grew nothing draws out the soft summer memories like taking my kids to our community pool. I spent many hours at…
There are a few items that I always carry with me. When I have the kids there are always diapers and snacks, but even when the kids are at home I always have my wallet, chap stick and panty liners. Panty liners are a must-have for your purse or bag. You never know when you…
In the hot summer afternoons we like to do at-home activities together like arts and crafts. My boys love the idea of clouds puking rainbows. They’re elementary aged boys, they love gross stuff. So I grabbed some construction paper, scissors, markers and glue sticks and we made our own rainbow clouds. I made my rainbow…
Life is busy. I have to be very intentional about making room in our schedule to connect with my family. A few weeks ago we got to test out the new 2014 Toyota Highlander. I decided to take this opportunity to an plan some much needed family time. Make Room for Family The weekend we…
Jude is really into toys you can push around right now. And he’s really into ducks. Well, he’s really into dogs but ducks are a close second. Either way he was very excited when I gave him his new Push Along Duck from ImagiPLAY. After hugging it several times and saying, “du, du” he pushed…