My First Mother’s Day – Response

Andrea wrote a blog about how wonderful her Mother’s Day Weekend was so I thought I would write about my Mother’s Day as well.

As noted earlier my Saturday rocked! But my Sunday could have been better.

Since we didn’t get home from IKEA until 1am we were pretty exhausted. We all slept in on Sunday till 10am but still felt tired. Additionally, Joe forgot it was Mother’s Day, in all the excitement of my birthday (which is tuesday) he forgot. (that seems to be the theme of all my birthdays – let’s celebrate mother’s day and jessica’s birthday together.) We were late to church. Late to Mother’s Day lunch at my parents house. Ate cold food. Had an exhausted baby with exhausted irritable parents.

After Mother’s Day with my family the day did improve. Jude took a much needed super long nap. Joe hung some shelves and put together our Ikea loot while I clipped coupons and read the paper. After Jude woke up Joe made dinner, we went to Borders and he cleaned my kitchen.

However, Jude decided not to go to sleep and fuss for a few hours because he wanted a midnight snack. He finally fell asleep and Joe and I got a good night’s rest finally.

In hindsight we probably should have skipped church and lunch with the family and rested. Being tired, feeling rushed and over-committed doesn’t make for a good day. Maybe next year I’ll boycott all events and actually get to relax on Mother’s Day.

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