
More Conversations

Conversation with Joe…I think I’m starting to realize things are getting serious here…. me: hello 4:06 PM all done with Sabrina 4:07 PM things are still looking good… I’m measuring 42cm which is pretty big probably 9lbs 4:08 PM Joseph: wow you been hanging out with Jillian too much. me: she said maybe since i’ve…


Jude is now 8 months old and I guess I just kind of assumed that 8 month old babies slept through the night… haha little did I know some babies don’t “sleep through the night” until they are almost 2 years old. And “sleeping through the night” simply means baby sleeps 5 straight hours. I…

Wardrobe Remix 09

We’re finally getting back into the swing of blogging. So here is the first Baby Wardrobe Remix of 2009.Brown Sweater – TargetUnseen Onesie – Blue and Brown with a Lion on front by CartersGreen Cargo Pants – Baby GapUnseen socks – Brown with Flames! from TargetElephant Shoes – Bugaloo on Etsy.comUnseen Diaper Cover – Imse…


2009 hasn’t been as blog centric as I’d hoped it would be. I just don’t seem to have any motivation to blog these days. I guess my enthusiasm for cleaning and organize overshadow the desire to blog. But inevitably that motivation will wane and I’ll be back in full force. In the meantime here are…