
2009 hasn’t been as blog centric as I’d hoped it would be. I just don’t seem to have any motivation to blog these days. I guess my enthusiasm for cleaning and organize overshadow the desire to blog. But inevitably that motivation will wane and I’ll be back in full force.

In the meantime here are a few updates of things that are going on in the lives of the Liebs.

  1. Jude is 6 months old! He’s trying very hard to sit up and he wants to GO! He can’t crawl yet but he does hurl himself places. For instance, just this morning he was sitting in the Bumbo playing with his toys when one specific item he wanted was out of reach so he hurled himself out of the Bumbo onto the floor. I thought he might start crying but apparently it was his plan to propel himself to the floor specifically to reach the item he wanted. BTW he got the toy!
  2. Joe and I are leading our Home Group. In the next few weeks Jerry and Andrea will be welcoming baby Updyke into the world and they decided they need a break from leading the group. So the Bonchaks offered to host the group at their house. (Since we have a tiny place and they are backdoor neighbors.) And we offered to lead. This is definitely a big responsibility and will challenge us in many ways but I think the benefits will be wonderful. I can’t wait to see what God will do.
  3. We are trying very hard this year to purge the unnecessary from our lives and organize the rest. With Jude fast on his way to becoming a crawler we understand the need to baby proof everything. So while baby proofing we’ll use the opportunity to reorganize a few things and get rid of stuff that’s just lingered for awhile.
  4. Chicago here we come! In February we are taking Jude on his second plane trip to attend his 5th wedding. Also, this will be his second trip to the mid-west. This boy has done more traveling in the first 6 months of his life than I did in the first 16 years of mine. My dear friend Vasti is getting married and I’m so excited for her!
  5. Double Morrissey shows. In March we are going to see Morrissey… TWICE… with in one week! I know we’re crazy but why not!

That’s just a small glimpse into our life at the moment. I have some pictures of Jude on the camera that I need to upload I’ve just been to lazy to actually do that. Hopefully I’ll get to it sometime this week. He’s becoming quite a little ham. (I guess he does have it in his genes.) Joe and I are starting to realize we are in for an exciting ride with this little boy, but I know it will be alot of fun!

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