Life with 4 boys

Life with 4 boys. It’s different than I imagined. Although, I’m not really sure I ever really imagined I’d have 4 boys. I remember when I was pregnant with Abel I worried a lot about how I would handle another child in our family. I found comfort in several articles I read about 3 being…

A Week Outside

As the weather gets warmer we are spending more and more time outdoors. I know this may change after it gets really hot and unbearable, but for now we are enjoying the sun. We are spending so much time outside that my kids are actually just relaxing in the shade and reading or drawing instead…


Go, go, go. There is this need to be constantly busy. Having free time is a luxury and not a priority. I’ve run with the pace of our society and it’s exhausting, especially with 4 small kids in tow. So a lot of days we do a lot of nothing. Of course we have our…


When life gets difficult it’s easier for me to find time to pray. Funny how that works. I’m trying to be more intentional about prayer. When people ask me to pray for them or someone they love I want to ACTUALLY pray for them. I want my prayers to be thoughtful and consistent, not just…


I’ve been thinking a lot about community. Both Joe and I are fortunate to have such a great community of friends and family. I have friends that I’ve know most of my life and while I may not see them often but when we finally get together it’s as if no time has passed at…


I am a planner. Before I became a stay-at-home mom I had a job and it was basically all about planning stuff. I like making lists and spreadsheets and timelines and filling in calendars. It helps me stay sane. This past week I’ve been planning every single trip our family will take this year… all…



Abel is walking. He toddles all over the place and it’s absolutely adorable. I tried putting shoes on him the other day and he was so confused. Both of us prefer bare feet but it was cold out and he refuses to keep his socks on so I thought shoes might help. He didn’t take…