Jude Has A Secret…
It’s hard to get a 2 year old to hold still for very long so here are the two best I could get before all his attention was completely diverted. Shirt provided courtesy of Zoey’s Attic.
Every Tuesday Andrea and I take turns watching these two adorable little boys. We alternate having a kid free morning where one of us can get our hair done, shop, go to appointments, or just relax and the other hangs out with the boys. While it’s wonderful to have a little time without a kid…
I know it’s not Jude’s birthday but he doesn’t really understand what that means yet so I thought it would be fun for him to get a personalized Birthday DVD. Barnyard Birthday sent us a super cute DVD which sings a short original birthday song. Jude is absolutely mesmerized by the DVD. I think he…
Probably not, because it just happen this morning. So here’s the story of how I almost flashed the entire city pool. Jude and I attended a pool party this morning. He had a great time running around and swimming with other kids. His favorite thing to do was to walk the perimeter of the pool…
For some strange reason I started calling Jude, “Judeapotamus”. He has no hippo like qualities whatsoever. I guess it’s just one of those silly names that developed. I should probably stop calling him a hippo so he doesn’t have any self esteem issues later in life but it’s so darn cute and catchy. So catchy…