Fall Self Care: Make Time For Yourself

I consider myself a summer girl, but I’m learning to embrace each new season. Summer is a social season with long days and warm nights perfect for spending time outside with friends. But there’s nothing better than pampering yourself and getting cozy on a crisp fall night. The dark, cold days can leave you feeling a little down, but that doesn’t have to be the case when you learn how to embrace the season of fall.
If you need a little self-care this fall here are a few of my favorite ways to embrace fall.
Spend time with the people you love
The holiday season is just around the corner, and with it comes all the busyness. Make time to get together with friends before the holiday rush. Whether you’re catching up over a cup of coffee or dinner, it’s a great time to get together with the ones you love.
Enjoy a cup of tea
I love nothing more than drinking a nice cup of tea by the fire at night. Maybe with a good book or a fun movie on TV.
My favorite teas are…
Buy some new wool socks
Keep your toes warm with some new wool socks. Your toes will be happy and warm on those cool fall nights.
Here are some recommenced socks…
Make a big pot of soup
Warm your senses with a big pot of comforting soup. Make a big batch, let it simmer on the stove all day, and enjoy.
My favorite soup recipe…
Leftover Roast Chicken Soup with Roasted Vegetables
Go for a hike and enjoy the falling leaves
Breathe in the crisp autumn air, listen to the leave crunch beneath your feet and savor the changing of the season. The fresh air, sun and movement with do your body good.
Try something new
Now’s the perfect time to start a new hobby like knitting, painting or taking a dance class. Stimulate your mind and get your creative juices flowing.
Take some time to write. Write down what you are feeling, what has been hard and what you are grateful for.
Some beautiful journals and writing supplies to motivate you…
Bake something yummy and share with a friend
Bake something yummy, try out a new recipe or stick with an old favorite. Invite a friend over to help you bake and then enjoy the fruits of your labor.
A few of my favorite baking recipes…
Slow down and savor the moment
Slow down, say no, and savor each moment. Unplug for a day. Put your phone down, don’t worry about work. Rest and enjoy it.
There are so many ways to practice self-care, but remember, you don’t have to do it all. Self-care is personal. Do what fits your lifestyle and personality. What will bring you life and give you joy? Find one or two things that help you embrace and enjoy the fall season.