I survived the 4th grade field trip

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Last week I chaperoned my son’s 4th grade field trip. Now, I almost always sign up to chaperone field trips and usually they go pretty smoothly. And while this 4th grade field trip went smoothly it was intense.

Our school took all of the 4th grade students to the coast, which was approximately a 3 hour trip, each way. So we got up before 5 am and returned sometime around 7pm. Most of our day was spent on the bus, I mean 6 hours of travel! But the time at the Outer Banks was used very efficiently. We visited 3 different locations, ate lunch and took a few bathroom breaks. Those teachers had a plan and ran the kids hard. It was a fun but super exhausting day. We visited the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuges Visitor Center, Fort Raleigh and Jockey’s Ridge. All of the kids agreed their favorite stop was Jockey’s Ridge.

It was a fun day that I hope Jude and I always remember.


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