Encouraging Kids to Get Outside


Photo Aug 30, 3 46 43 PM

Photo Aug 30, 3 48 26 PM (1)

Photo Aug 30, 3 54 03 PMPhoto Aug 30, 3 52 02 PM

We try to limit screen time for our boys but that means you have to have alternative activates ready for them. I’ve found that giving them a simple game or objective gets them moving and once they get moving their creative and active brains get going.

Toysmith’s collection of Get Outside, GO! has some great outdoor games and activities to help get kids moving. Yesterday after school I set up a few new games for the boys in our well-loved backyard. We played Spring Ring and Bashminton. They are similar games that require 2 players to hit a ball-like object back and forth. I think the boys like Spring Ring the best because it was a little bit easier for them since they could hold the ring with 2 hands.

Spring Ring comes with 2 large springy paddles, a bouncy ball and a pom-pom ball. It can be played on land or in the water. The pom-pom is a little bit easier to use which makes it ideal for younger children.

Bashminton comes with 2 oversized rackets and a bashable birdie ball. This game is a little more challenging for younger children but is still a lot of fun.

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We also tried out Night Zone Capture the Flag which just adds a fun twist to your classic game of capture the flag. The set comes with 2 light up flags and 2 light up bases. The red team versus the blue team for a fun battle over these light up flags. We look forward to playing this with some friends at night.

Once I get my boys outside playing it’s hard to get them to come back in. Sometimes they just need a little extra nudge to get them out the door, like some fun new outdoor games.

I received the featured product in exchange for my honest opinion. My opinions are not influenced by the company.

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