Choosing a Lot – Building a House

Photo Aug 27, 4 45 12 PM

After we found a neighborhood we liked (and a house plan we liked) we had to pick a lot. In our community they zero cost lots where the cost of the lot is included in the base price of each home and then there are premium lots. There wasn’t much explaination as to why certain lots are “premium lots”  but typical they were larger, or on a cul-de-sac or may offer a flat lot.

After inspecting the lots (we drove around to each one we liked on paper and examined the topography, size, proximity to other homes/street lights/sidewalks/fire hydrants.) we picked 4 lots as our top choices. All four lots where near the highest point in the neighborhood (there are a lot of hills), and each one measured about the same size in acreage. However, they each had their pros and cons.

Lot A – is the largest lot and is flat. However it is wider at the street and then narrows in the back yard. It also backs to the side of another house. It was a mid-priced premium lot.

Lot B – Is on a semi-cul-de-sac and is flat. It’s slightly smaller in acreage than Lot A. It’s almost at the top of the hill and without any other homes built around it offers great views (once the rest of the neighborhood is developed some of the view may be obscured). Being at the top of the hill the potential backdoor neighbors don’t pose much of a privacy issue since the yard will most like look onto their roof. The unique street design makes it difficult to determine how the house will sit on the lot. It’s near the top of the premium priced lots.

Lot C – Is the same acreage as Lot B. However, there is a steep drop off at the back end of the lot significantly lessening usable yard space. There may be some view that is retained with this lot as it’s placed near the top of the hill. Otherwise it’s a pretty standard lot and is on the low end of the premium priced lots.

Lot D – Is located on a different street than the previous three lots. Not at the top of the hill but still on a nicely elevated lot. It’s a corner lot which can be a pro or con. One of the streets might become a busy thorough fare. It’s one of the largest lots and it’s flat. It’s a mid-priced premium lot.

We went with Lot B. Yes, it was the most expensive of our choices (not the most expensive overall) but we feel the premium price is worth a good location.  We still aren’t sure how the house will sit on the lot but once we meet with the builder he will go over all of that and even walk the lot with us.


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