A Very Lieb Halloween

Time just seems to be flying right now. I rarely get to sit down at my computer because I’m either sitting in the preschool carpool line, homeschooling Jude, nursing a sweet 9 month old baby or doing boring household chores.

These boys keep me busy. Some days I feel like I’m in survival mode but other days I feel so immensely blessed to have so many wonderful boys that keeps me going.

Photo Oct 30, 9 12 48 AM

This past weekend we celebrated Halloween like so many others. When I was growing up my family didn’t really celebrate Halloween, we attended church fall festivals and while it was fun I don’t have many memories of dressing up and trick-or-treating. Joe typically takes the boys out to go trick-or-treat and sometimes I tag along but I am mostly relegated to passing out candy.

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All of our Halloween activities were pretty last minute. We bought our pumpkins a week ago but didn’t carve them until the day of. Joe had the boys draw on paper what they wanted their jack-o-lanterns to look like then he cut them out. However, this year Jude did get to participate in carving a little more than usual. He helped clean and even carve his pumpkin. He was pretty proud.

Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 4.17.17 PMNoah and Simon got to draw and paint some of the smaller pumpkins. And then we roasted pumpkin seeds at Noah’s request, except no one liked them so they were just thrown out the next day.

The boys just pick one of our many costumes out of the costume bin for trick-or-treating. The great thing about having a costume bin is we are constantly adding new costumes so we don’t typically buy costumes for Halloween. We had an Iron Man, Spiderman, Hulk and Brobee.

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The boys didn’t stay out trick-or-treating nearly as long as I expected. They were ready to come home after about and hour and then they just wanted to hand out candy. We have a pretty popular neighborhood, people drive to our neighborhood to trick-or-treat so our 3 large bags of candy were gone in no time.

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