At Home Summer Camp – The Plan

Tomorrow will be the start of our weekly long At Home Summer Camp, Camp Lieb.

I’ve carefully planned out fun activities and snacks for the entire week. Each day has theme and usually some sort of learning element but it’s mostly just going to be loads of fun.

I plan on blogging about our week long summer camp but you can certainly follow along on Instagram @bkeepsushonest.

I’ve purchased most of my supplies (including food) and was surprised at how little I actually had to spend. Most of our projects and activities require very little money.

Here is our schedule for the next next. It’s a “loose” schedule as life happens and we have to be flexible especially with a baby.

Day 1 – Friendship Day

Day 2 – Space Day

Day 3 – Nature Day

Day 4 – Ocean Day

Day 5 – Ninja Day

As you can see I’ve schedule in “shows/movies” that correspond with the theme. I will also be picking up some library books that fit our theme days as well.

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