Happy 3rd Birthday Noah B
Mr. Noah Asher is 3 years old today.
(His nickname “Noah B” is actually a nick name of a nick name “Noah Ba Doah”)
At 42 weeks I thought Noah was going to stay in my womb forever but finally (after a little castor oil and some eggplant Parmesan) he made a swift and somewhat dramatic entrance into our world. He immediately proved to be a tough little boy and over the next several weeks showed us just how strong he was has we fought to overcome a tongue-tie and several breastfeeding struggles.
These past 3 years with Noah have been filled with immense joy as he’s started to find his personality and stake his claim in our family. He has such a sweet and tender spirit and is always asking me “what’s wrong mama?” or coming to just sit and cuddle. He knows what he wants and he takes his time to accomplish his goals and is extremely thoughtful.
He has completely blown me away with his ability to self-potty train, his immense vocabulary and the way he stops to consider his options before making a decision.
His Favorites:
Mickey Mouse
Ice Cream
Playing with his brothers
We love you Noah B. Happy Birthday.