Our First Trip to the ER


Yesterday we took our first ambulance ride and trip to the Emergency Room.

Baby Simon had some trouble breathing after choking on reflux and when an 8 day old has trouble breathing you call 911.

He was sound asleep in my arms when he suddenly vomited a large amount all over himself and me. He got choked up on the reflux and even after Joe and I used the aspirator several time to help clear his airway he was still gasping for breath. He started to turn blue and that’s when we called 911.

The EMS responded very quickly and when they arrived upon the scene they said he was struggling, looked blue and gave him oxygen. As soon as they gave him oxygen he perked right up. The wanted us to take him into the Pediatric ER to get him evaluated so we took a little ride in the ambulance to the hospital.

We spent over 5 hours in the ER, they monitored him and did chest x-rays. By the way x-rays for babies are no fun to watch. They said he had reflux and trouble breathing but it seemed to be a one-time incident and there was no larger problem. It was a relief to know nothing was seriously wrong with him but I also felt a little over dramatic over the whole thing. Then Joe reminded me that the breathing of a newborn baby is nothing to mess with and I was not being over dramatic. Better to be safe than sorry.

I am so thankful that my parents live close by and were able to come over and watch the big boys so Joe could go with me and Simon.

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