Week in My Life – Monday 10.21


Adventuroo WIML mon 13

Monday started off pretty rough especially since we decided to move the boys around last night. No one really slept all that well and Noah was up around 6am (which is early in this house). Thankfully, Joe got up with Noah so I could go back to sleep (I had been up since 5 with Simon). I finally woke up around 7:30.

I went out to greet Noah and he was happy to see me, as usual. As he jumped into my lap to snuggle he head-butted me in the lip. So I got to start off my morning with a bleeding and swollen lip.

Photo Oct 21, 8 09 10 AMJude slept in super late so getting him out the door to school was a bit hectic but once the dust settled I turned on Yo Gabba Gabba for Noah and Simon so I could eat a little breakfast in peace.

wiml21_1Then I decided to tackle my meal plan for the week. It’s not terribly exciting but if I don’t do it on Monday I will forget and we’ll be eating PBJ all week.


Then I play and watch TV with the boys for a bit before putting Simon down for his morning nap (sometime between 9:30 – 10)

After I put Simon down for his nap I tackle a few morning chores like the breakfast dishes.wiml21_3And the breakfast floor.

Photo Oct 21, 10 39 56 AMAnd of course there is always laundry to do… I think I did 4 loads today. This was load #1.


Then I made lunch for Noah and I. He had PB&J and grapes, I had a tuna sandwich. Then Simon woke up around 12 and he ate a lunch before we headed out to get Jude from Kindergarten at 12:45 pm.

wiml21_5While Simon was eating his lunch Noah locked himself in the bathroom. I wasn’t sure if he knew how to unlock it so I fumbled around till I found something that would unlock the door, unfortunately I couldn’t get it open. Luckily, just as I was contemplating removing the entire doorknob he figured it out and opened the door.

Photo Oct 21, 12 22 42 PM

Jude gets out of school at 1 so we push Noah’s afternoon nap back.

Photo Oct 21, 12 42 51 PM

The next hour or so is always pretty hectic. Unloading everyone from the car and settling them back into an afternoon at home. But I finally get Noah down for his nap (which was difficult with the new sleeping arrangements) and Simon down for his afternoon nap (around 2:30). So I take a little me-time with some frozen blueberries.


One of the hazards of frozen blueberries…Photo Oct 21, 2 01 47 PMJude plays with legos while I get a little work done.


I need to take some product images for the blog. I usually take them outside on the picnic table.


Time to work and eat a bowl of cereal. It’s about 4pm.

wiml21_10Then it’s snack time and playdough while the little ones continue to nap.

wiml21_9I usually go through Jude’s book bag and folder when we get home from school but I’m a little behind today. Monday’s folder is always full of announcements and the plan for the week.

wiml21_11It’s now about 5:30 and Joe is on his way home from work so I start dinner. (The little boys are STILL sleeping). For dinner we have chicken with mango and yellow rice!


The boys wake around 6pm and then we eat dinner. After dinner I take a shower because I’ve yet to do that and I feel pretty gross.  Meanwhile Joe and the boys carve our square pumpkin.wiml21_13

Then it’s bubble bath time and bed time. (7:30-8pm)bathbubbles

I put Simon to bed while Joe reads books to Noah and Jude. I settle in at my desk to do more work… a busy night ahead of me. We just started giving the boys Calms Forte before bed hoping it will help them go to sleep. While I work and manage the boys Joe makes a Target run for more bananas and milk. As I’m writing this it’s after 9pm and they are still awake. I’ve been up there 7 times to put them back to bed. We are trying to be patient since this room sharing thing is new but it’s tough. Noah usually passes out about 7:30 – 8 but Jude has always had a hard time going to sleep.


I’m scheduling this to post in the AM but for now I’m going back to work and will probably go to bed around midnight and wake sometime around 5 to feed a sad baby. It’s a long Monday.

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