Old School Fun

Jude’s 1st Time Roller Skating

rollerskating Saturday at the skate ring.
I have fond memories of attending birthday parties, church events and family outings at skate rinks.

We spent the day with family celebrating my niece’s birthday at the roller skating ring and the kids absolutely loved it. It was Jude’s 1st time roller skating and he did awesome. He spent most of the time “carpet skating” with my mom but toward as he started to get his sea legs he ventured out onto the rink with the assistance of his cousins. Noah just loved the music and wanted to go out on to the rink to dance.


My dad dished out some cash so the kids could play video games, win tickets to trade for silly little prizes and they all loved every minute of it.


Jude picked up a parachute ninja which yielded hours of entertainment for Noah and Jude when we got home.

It was a fun day filled with old school fun.

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