Candy Free Easter Eggs

Hide ’em & Hatch ’em Eggs are a fun alternative to candy filled Easter eggs.

We try to limit the amount of candy and sugar our boys consume so I am very excited about the Hide ’em & Hatch ’em Eggs this year. You simply place your eggs in water and watch the hatch a grow over the course of a few days. It takes about a week to hatch each egg and is a great way to teach kids about new life and patience. There are three different pets in the set a duck, chick and bunny all perfect for Easter.

Hide ’em & Hatch ’em Eggs are the number 1 Easter toy on Amazon!

hide em hatch em eggsHow to Hatch Your Eggs

  1. Place the eggs in ROOM TEMPERATURE water (this is critical to the grow process!) Make sure the eggs are completely submerged.
  2. In 6 – 12 hours you will see small cracks in the shell. At this point you can help your little friend out by cracking the shell (just like a mamma might need to do for her hatchling) or you can change the water and let it continue to grow.
  3. You will notice the water (and the baby) will be slippery. This is the material that allows it to grow – it is necessary to change the water so your new friend can grow completely.
  4. Continue to change the water daily until your animal hatches on its own or until the animal is done growing.
  5. Enjoy your new friend – Once removed from the water shrinkage will probably occur but the animal will harden and is fun to play with!

hatching egg


Hide ’em & Hatch ’em Eggs are available on for $9.95

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Disclosure: I received the featured product in exchange for my honest opinion. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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