Did You Know You Can Rent Maternity Clothes?

When I first heard about Borrow for Your Bump I had one of those, “Why didn’t I think of that!” moments. Such a smart idea!

Borrow for Your Bump logoBorrow for Your Bump lets you rent name-brand maternity clothing for a fraction of the cost to buy them. It totally makes since too, I mean you are only pregnant for a few months and by the time you get pregnant again your designer maternity jeans might be out of style.

The Borrow for your Bump site is simple to use, just browse by category and when you find an item you like you can either select to buy it or borrow it at 75% off the retail price.

Borrow For Your Bump Maternity JeansI like these Paige brand jeans but $194 is a little out of my budget, especially for maternity jeans but for only $49/mo I can rent the same jeans. I think Borrow for Your Bump is especially handy if you have a special event you plan on attending. They have a nice variety of dresses that would be lovely if say, you were going on a cruise. (UPDATE: turns out you can’t go on a cruise after 24 weeks so let’s say you have a wedding to attend!)

For instance, I absolutely LOVE this dress:

Borrow for Your Bump Maternity Dress

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Borrow for Your Bump is my maternity fashion sponsor for the upcoming Brand & Bloggers Summit in Chicago. They are providing my wardrobe for the whole weekend free of charge, stay tune to check out all of my fun outfits!

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