Toy Story Showtime Disney App Review

Jude has his own folder for games on my iPhone. Playing a game on mama’s phone is a very special treat. I usually reserve iPhone time for when it’s most needed. A long wait at a restaurant, a long car drive, or if I need him to just sit still for any length of time.
Disney Publishing Worldwide offers the largest selection of children’s books and magazines. They are currently topping the App Store charts with their six new releases on of which is Toy Story Showtime! (MSRP $4.99) Toy Story Showtime! is a storybook app designed to help children explore reading concepts.
Jude is a big fan of Toy Story so is a great way to teach him reading skills in a fun way. He likes that he can touch the different characters throughout the story and say or do different things. I like that it tells a story at the reader’s own pace. Jude can linger on one page exploring new words or actions. The app also teaches children new words, provides the definition and use of the word. It a very interactive story book that keeps Jude entertained while he learns.

The Toy Story Showtime! app, along with all other Disney Publishing Worldwide apps are available at the App Store for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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I received the feature product from Disney Worldwide Publishing as part of a Family Review Network Campaign. However, the opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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