Building Creativity with Lincoln Logs

There is this old Lincoln Log set at my parents house that is Jude’s favorite thing to play with when we visit. Although there are many pieces missing and the circular cardboard container has seen better days he will spend hours building. He and Grandma building castles, houses, farms, tall towers, pretty much anything they can imagine. 
The Lincoln Logs belonged to my brother and I. I remember building many great building with that set. Lincoln Logs are more than wood, they are imagination in a can. I wanted to become an architect for many years because of Lincoln Logs and understandably so since they were created by John Lloyd Wright the son of famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
K’Nex makes Lincoln Logs just like you remember, every log is made from real wood. They sent us their Fort Hudson set which includes 70 pieces including a frontiersman. We gave Jude the set as a reward for filling up his potty chart (he’s potty training) and he was completely thrilled. Every day he asks to building something with his Lincoln Logs. He loves them so much that we are considering getting him another set for Christmas so he can build more buildings and expand his creativity.
I look forward to the day when I will play Lincoln Logs with my grand children, a few pieces will be missing and the box will be tattered and torn but the creativity will be fresh and new.

I received the featured product however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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