Francesco Rinaldi Pasta Sauce

Every mom has a quick and easy fail safe dinner. In our house that dinner usually comprises of pasta and sauce. I usually try to sneak in some vegetables to make it a little healthier but on days when my fridge is empty I just have to suck it up. But now I can use Francesco Rinaldi’s To Be Heathly sauce fortified with Omega-3. 
 Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for proper brain development, reduce the risk of heart attack, reduce blood pressure and many more health benefits. To Bo Healthy sauce is made with 64mg of life’s DHA Omega-3 and no saturated fats, no added sugar and reduced sodium. So you can feel good about the dinner you serve your family.
Often times “healthy” products don’t taste as good but the Francesco Rinaldi To Be Healthy Pasta Sauce is just as, maybe even more delicious than most traditional canned sauces. I switched out our regular pasta sauce with the To Be Healthy sauce and my husband commented about how great the sauce was without even knowing I’d changed, and my son had 3 helpings of his dinner that night!
About Francesco Rinaldi
What began as a door-to-door operation in 1937, eventually grew into one of the biggest brands in the category-the Ragu packing company. Mr. Ralph Cantisano sold Ragu in 1970, paving the way for an exciting new partnership. In 1982, Mr. Edward P. Salzano, joined Cantisano Foods, bringing with him the Francesco Rinaldi name. Today, LiDestri Foods, and its proprietary label, Francesco Rinaldi, are a multi-million-dollar manufacturing and packaging business. But it doesn’t matter how far they’ve come, because they’re still really good at making what you like…pasta sauces that please the palate.

Buy: Francesco Rinaldi sauces are available at various retailers across the US or online.

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