Boumy Shoes Review

Tiny baby shoes are just too adorable. My 3 week old can’t hold his head up much less walk yet but I am in love with his new soft soled shoes from Boumy. The Brogues Brown slippers are made from 100% soft leather with an elastic closing system that ensure Noah never looses a shoe.

While they Brogues Brown slippers are still a little too bit for Noah I know he’ll grow into them in no time. I hope to pair them with a cute dressy outfit for some special event that we may attend in the future. I think he will most certainly be the most adorable little guy in the room. I love that they slippers are easy to get on and look comfortable.

Boumy is a Dutch company that makes genuine leather shoes for babies and small children. They make stylish and quality soft leather shoes that help baby feet properly develop.

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This review was provided through MamaBuzz. The product was provided by Boumy Shoes for this review. I received the featured product in exchange for my honest opinion. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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