Is Your Bedroom Sad and Neglected
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
I’m a list maker. Grocery. To-Do. Packing. Meals. You name it and I’ll make a list. I like things organized and for most people the kitchen is a place for organization. Lists on the fridge, magnets with appointment reminders, etc… I’m no different. I go through list pads like water so I was thrilled to…
After what seemed like weeks of constant rain I noticed that my children were becoming restless. They got bored easily, couldn’t maintain focus on a task for very long and were generally more grumpy. You see, we’d been watching a lot of television and their little bodies and brains were simultaneously under and over stimulated….
We love Blue Orange Games, Jude regularly asks to play Spot It. So we were pretty excited to test out the newest Blue Orange Game, Wuzzits. Wuzzits is a great game for kids ages 6 and up. Jude(6) loves this game because it requires keen visual perception, strategy and basic arithmetic and of course because…
With Christmas around the corner I’m sure a lot of us are doing more shopping online. I previously posted about the importance of internet security while shopping online. Keeping your information safe is important, especially to AVG. My husband, the family computer expert, installed AVG on our computer and here are his thought: AVG Internet…
World Vision is giving shoppers over 100 ways to join the movement to end extreme poverty by providing life-saving gifts through the 2015 World Vision Gift Catalog. You don’t have to spend a fortune to bring about tremendous social change. Gifts in the World Vision Catalog range from $16 to $39,000 and can be purchased…
A few weeks ago I wrote about the lack of kid-friendly restaurants out there and how most high chairs are disgusting. I know that kids aren’t the neatest eaters in the world, especially Jude. And when I go out to eat I try to clean up after our messy toddler however I don’t carry around…