Stay Home and Avoid the Oops

It’s 8am and everyone is begging for breakfast but I have a baby with a stinky diaper. I run upstairs to change him only to find there are no more diapers in the box. I start to panic and then remember to check the diaper bag. Nothing. I run to the car and search for my secret stash. I find it! One diaper. It’s 2 sizes too small but it will have to do.

After everyone is fed and clothed I pile my four boys in the van and we head to the store for much needed diapers. The boys just want to go to the park but we have no choice but to go to the store. Diapers are needed ASAP.

Photo Jun 26, 5 24 06 PM

Taking 4 small children to the store can be an exhausting experience. I try to avoid it whenever possible, but sometimes you just have to go to the store to buy a needed item like diapers. Or do you?

Look at this crew… they’re a handful.

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You’d think after 4 kids I wouldn’t run out of diapers but it happens. I just don’t have the time to get to the store as often as I need but thanks to this thing called the internet I don’t have to go anywhere. I can order my must-have daily items like toilet paper, diapers, wipes, etc… online at

I ordered diapers, wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, and some cleaning supplies. It’s so easy to avoid the oops moments by ordering P & G products directly from Walmart.

Products Offered through Avoid the Oops:

  • Kitchen
  • Laundry
  • Cleaning
  • Baby
  • Bathroom

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This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Walmart.

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