Pirate Brands Potato Flyers Review

My boys love chips. So I knew Pirate Brands new Potato Flyers would be a hit.  We love Pirate’s Booty and could probably eat an entire bag in one sitting so it’s no surprise that Potato Flyers are just as awesome. 
Potato Flyers are different than most chips in that they are not only baked but baked with pressure which makes them crispy and light. We tried all 3 flavors and I think my favorite flavor would have to be the Homestyle Barbeque but then again I do love Barbeque chips. I feel great about feeding my boys Potato Flyers because they fulfill their love of chips and my desire to keep our family eating healthy.

About Potato Flyers
Potato Flyers are deliciously baked potato chips that have half the fat and a quarter less calories than the leading potato chip brand.  Unlike other baked chips, which can be cardboard-like and lacking flavor, Potato Flyers are baked with pressure, which makes them crisp and tasty, proving that you don’t have to “snackrifice” taste and fun for health when it comes to your potato chip.  Like all Pirate Brands snacks, Potato Flyers are all-natural, trans-fat and gluten free and provide a first-class crunch.  Plus, the chips are only 120 calories for a one ounce serving.  Potato Flyers come in Original, Sour Cream & Onion, Homestyle Barbeque and Sea Salt & Vinegar flavors.
Buy: Potato Flyers are available online or at select retailers.
This post was written for Family Review Network & Pirate Brands who provided the complimentary product in exchange for my honest reviwew

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