Blogger of the Week: Mommy Living the Life of Riley!

Today’s featured blogger is Melissa from Mommy Living the Life of Riley!

How old is your blog or long have you been blogging? 
I’ve been blogging since February 2010.
What made you choose the name of your blog? 
My daughter’s name is Riley and I feel so very lucky to be living the life that I am, so I thought this would be a good and appropriate play on words to describe me.
Why do you blog and what do you love about blogging? 
I love expressing myself and making new friends, especially since I don’t work anymore and feel sort of isolated in the house from time to time. It’s amazing to me that so many people have visited and followed my blog! I’ve met so many wonderful people so far by blogging.
Are you married? Yes. If so, how long? 
We’ll be married for 4 years in December.
Do you have children? Yes. If so, how many? 
One daughter, named Riley.
What is your favorite movie? Believe it or not, Scarface.
Who is your favorite actor? Paul Newman
What is your favorite band or musician? The Beatles
What is your favorite food? Sushi
What is your favorite candy? Snickers
What else should readers know about you? 
That I will always make the time to visit their blogs and respond to their comments! I think that interaction is the heart and soul of blogging!

Mommy Living the Life of Riley

The B Keeps Us Honest will feature a new Blogger of The Week each Saturday. If you would like to be featured please contact me.

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