Patriotic My Pillow Pets
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Now that I’m a parent I am beginning to understand some of the decisions my parents made when I was younger. I all too often pull out my “jump-to-conclusions mat” and assign a punishment to Jude before truly assessing the situation. In Season 2 of The Middle, Axl leaves his dirty smelly socks lying around…
Things are about to real on The Good Wife this Sunday (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT). Alicia is plotting to leave Lockhart Gardner to start a new firm. Things are tense. Which team are you? Team Lockhart/Gardner or Team Florrick/Agos. Watch The Good Wife: Hitting the Fan promo and tell who you are routing for. I’m team…
I know I’m a little behind on putting together birth announcements for Abel but better late than never right? I’ve found a few lovely designs on and now I need your help deciding which design to choose. Here are my top 5: I love that they are all a bit whimsical but still a…
On May 31st Elmo and the Sesame Street crew are coming to the PNC Arena in Raleigh. My boys are super excited to see Elmo Live! I am especially excited to see the reaction on Noah’s face when he sees Elmo and hears the music. That boy loves Elmo and music more than anything. As…
In the hot summer afternoons we like to do at-home activities together like arts and crafts. My boys love the idea of clouds puking rainbows. They’re elementary aged boys, they love gross stuff. So I grabbed some construction paper, scissors, markers and glue sticks and we made our own rainbow clouds. I made my rainbow…
Can you believe that summer is almost here! As Jude gets older I am excited about all of the summer activities he will be able to participate in like, camp. While he’s way to young to send off to camp there are plenty of local day camp options that he can join. I like that…