Sleepy Sun Book Review

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Every night we read to Jude before bed. It helps him to calm down and acts as a sign that it’s time to go to sleep. He loves being read to any time of day but when he’s tired sometimes he’ll grab a book and head to his room. So Cute

A week ago we added a new book to our bedtime routine, Sleepy Sun by Mari Hanson. It’s a great little paperback book with colorful artwork filling the entire page. I was pleasantly surprised when the copy I received was signed by the author and even included a personalized message to my son. Thank you Mari!

Mari HansonWhen I first showed Jude the book he took it and started to head upstairs as if he knew it was a bedtime book. Later that night as we read it before bed he intensely studied the vibrant pictures and wanted to help turn the pages. One of the key strengths of this book is most certainly the beautiful acrylic paintings done by Illustrator Kathleen M. Hanson. The art is very unique and slightly abstract which encourages creativity. While the overall concept of a bedtime book isn’t new this story is very fun and sweet. The story follows the sun on a busy day shining light around the world and ends with the sun going to sleep. (We’ll deal with the physics of the Earth rotating around the Sun later but for now thanks Sun for setting a great example and going to bed.) The first few times I read the book I had trouble catching on to the rhyme scheme but eventually, I got the hang of it and now it’s an easy read.  I would love it if the book were available in a board book since my son loves to flip through the pages himself but hasn’t quite mastered turning paper pages without ripping them.  I guess this is a good opportunity to teach him to be gentle. Sleepy Sun is quickly becoming a bedtime classic in our home.

Would I recommend Sleepy Sun? Certainly! It is a must-have bedtime book for children of any age. You can learn more about Mari Hanson and The Sleepy Sun on her website.

This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by: Mari Hanson for this review.

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