Kids Exchange 50% off Day

So yesterday I decided to brave the crowds at the NC Fair Grounds for the Kids Exchange. It actually wasn’t too crowded in the building but the parking lot was crazy due to the Flea Market and Bead Expo.
The Kids Exchange is a bi-annual event where moms bring their kid stuff to sell and other moms com to buy that stuff. I went to the one in January on Saturday and got some good deals on toys, baby gear and clothes but the crowd was crazy and the line was pretty long. So I hadn’t planned on going this time but last minute I changed my mind and went on the last day where everything is 50% off (except items written in red).
Most of the toys and good baby gear were pretty picked over but the clothes still had a decent selection. If you saw something that was really nice chances are it was priced too high and wouldn’t be 50% off. Last time I never made it into the book and DVD room but this year I looked around a bit, they should have named it the VHS room. Seriously who even owns a VCR anymore. (Ok we have one but it’s not hooked up.)
Toward the end of the day the line was pretty short and moving really fast, I think I only spent 20 min in line.

Here’s what I got for Jude:
2 Guitar t-shirts (1 long sleeve and 1 short)
1 Gap Sweet pants
1 Batman PJs
1 Cute Jacket
1 Pair Jeans
1 Pair of Green Pants
and 1 Firetruck book.

I spent $11

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