the end of the week review

It was hot this weekend! I love hot weekends! It was also an awesome weekend! I love awesome weekends!

Quick Recap of Weekend Events:
Friday – Joe worked late. Ordered a pizza. Played with Jude. Gave Jude bath. Slept!
Saturday – Joe and Jude had man morning complete with a stroll along Hillsborough St. to all the best spots, Global Village, Nice Price Books, Guitar Store and School Kids Records. Mommy had brunch with Kim at Cafe Carolina. Did a little shopping sans babe. Family lunch at Chick-fil-a. Bought Velcro at Lowes. Planned Clothes Line. Visited Grandma and Boogie. Picked up safety gate and rocking chair. Played word association on the way home. Watched Yo Gabba Gabba. Birthday Cookout for Matt R. Picnic with the Bonchaks at Fred Fletcher Park.
Sunday – Sleeping In. Church. Lunch at 5 Guys. Jude flirts with ladies at the table beside us. Stop in Target. Don’t buy the toy cell phone which proved to be dangerous for young babe. Jude took a 3 hour nap. Mom and Dad clipped coupons, played Lego Indiana Jones, and Cleaned. Ate Chocolate. Watered Plants, Grilled London Broil. Had an awesome dinner. Watched Quantum Leap. Gave babe bath. Read books in bed.

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