Frankie says Relax

There wasn’t anything exceptionally noteworthy about Saturday but I think that’s what made is so great. Just a relaxing day with my family. We slept in. Cleaned the house a bit. Joe practiced guitar for Sunday church while Jude watched from his highchair. I read a little. Jude took a nap. Joe made grilled cheese, avocado and tomato sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch we decided to spend a little time outside so we went downtown to check out the SparkCon activities. We browsed the local vendors, side-walk chalk drawings, graffiti artists and another bizarre creature by the creator of the infamous Barrel Monster.

Then we spent the latter part of the afternoon at our favorite spot, Global Village. Drinking coffee (or an awesome hazelnut chocolate milkshake in my case), reading and playing dominoes(or rather throwing them on the floor in Jude’s case).

We finished off the day with a yummy dinner of Chicken and Fried Orzo with Vegetables and Basil. Put Jude to bed. Then watched Valkyrie, while not a feel-good movie still pretty decent. (According to my dad it’s not very historically accurate, so there’s that.)

Anyway, it’s Sunday afternoon my parents stopped in to visit for a bit. We just got home from a walk and are getting ready to eat dinner before Joe heads off to play at church service number 4 today. I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening after he gets home to round out the relaxing theme we’ve had going on this weekend.

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