A Week of School Lunches – Week 1

Last year Jude took lunch to school for the first time. I was at a complete loss as to what I should pack in his lunch. He’s not a terribly picky eater but when we were at home I would just throw together whatever we had on hand, be it left overs or a pb&j sandwich. I didn’t give much thought to lunch until I had to pack it for him every day. So this year I decided to be better prepared with an arsenal of lunch ideas and appropriate tools.

Now I’m not a bento box mom. You won’t find me creating fancy cut outs or landscapes with food but I do want to insure that my child eats a well balanced meal. So I bought a few of these Ziploc Divided Rectangle Containers, they fit nicely inside his lunch box and make it easy to create appropriately portioned size lunches.

school lunches

A Week of School Lunches – Week 1

Day 1 – Turkey and Cheese Sandwich with zucchini muffin, grapes and yogurt (not pictured).

Day 2 – Pizza Roll Up, zucchini muffin, veggie chips, cantaloupe and yogurt.

Day 3 – Star Wars Peanut Butter and Banana (I used cookie cutters), Tortilla chips, half banana (which didn’t get eaten because peeled it and it started to turn brown), animal crackers, yogurt raisins and yogurt.

Day 4– Joe’s Pizza Roll Up (he folded it instead of rolling it), carrots, chocolate graham cookies, peach, yogurt.

Day 5 – Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, tomatoes, animal crackers, yogurt.

All meals are packed with a water bottle.

As you an see there isn’t a huge amount of variety. I packed days 1-3 and Joe packed days 4 & 5. I try to switch things up a bit when I make Jude’s lunches but Joe just sticks with what he knows and is easy.

I will continue to post our weekly lunches to show variety and what was a hit and what was not. The peeled banana was NOT a hit. The Pizza Roll Up was a BIG hit.

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