Warm Memories with Febreze Holiday Scents

febreze holiday Certain smells can bring back amazingly vivid memories. For instance, the scent of apple cider immediately transports me to a cold December night. The cheery sound of Christmas music plays as a fire glows in the fireplace, my mother and I reminisces as we carefully unpack years of collected Christmas ornaments. Faint smells of Christmases past drift up from the boxes that have been stored in the attic over the past 11 months. Sugar cookies bake in the oven while apple cider warms on the stove. The cold December air is filled with all the wonderful scents of the season. From the wood burning in the fireplace to the cookies in the oven each smell is permanently ingrained in my olfactory memory.

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Febreze has taken the smells of the season and packed them into their air fresheners, oils and sprays so you can relive your favorite holiday moments all winter long.

I particularly love the Febreze Noticeables Cranberry Cider Scented Oils. The Noticeable alternates between 2 complementary scents so your scenes can be delighted by the sweet smell of cranberry and the warm scent of cider.

What smell brings back your most vivid holiday memories?

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This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Febreze. All opinions are my own and not influenced by the company.

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