Toddler Snactivity

Now that Jude is in Kindergarten, little brother Noah gets bored and lonely during the day especially if baby Simon is sleeping. Noah is pretty content to play by himself for a little while but has become accustomed to playing with his older brother and misses him. So I’ve been brainstorming easy and entertaining projects for a bored 2-year-old.

The other day he kept asking me for various snacks so I decided we needed a SNACTIVITY!

sn·ac·tiv·i·ty: an entertaining project that keeps toddlers busy and is also edible.

snactivity play

A great way to develop fine motor skills in toddlers is scooping and pouring. So I grabbed a few different sized containers and measuring cups then filled a big bowl with cereal. He immediately set to work scooping and pouring and eating.

Activity – CHECK

Snack – CHECK


I felt like I nailed parenting that morning. Minimal prep work and a good 30 minutes (or more) of entertainment for my kid.

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