Summer Bucket List: Ride the Train at Pullen Park

The weather was gorgeous last week so we had to take advantage of the rare, nice weather in June. So, after a lunch date with dada I took the boys to Pullen Park. Since, Pullen Park’s renovation it’s always pretty busy so I expecting the crowds to be out in full force since the weather was so nice however, it wasn’t actually too bad. We’d been several times before but never rode the train.

We bought our tickets, $1 each (kids under 13mo are free) and stood in line. Jude was so excited to ride the train, we’ve obviously seen the train and waved to the passengers but I don’t think he even realized that he could ride it.

Both Jude and Noah loved the train. Jude pretended to be the conductor while Noah hummed along to the sound of the train.

For only $2 we had a blast and I’m sure we’ll be doing it again and often.

Check out the other things we’ve been crossing off our Summer Bucket List.

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