I don’t often splurge on myself. In fact when it comes time to buy new clothes or shoes for myself I usually make a b-line to the clearance rack and choose practical over fashionable. But the other day I bought something full price and it felt nice… well almost full price, I didn’t realize it was on on sale until I put it in my cart.
I bought these cute Miz Mooz shoes and I’m in love. Granted I haven’t worn them yet since I’m not sure what to wear with them but when I do I’m gonna rock them. (now taking suggestions for what to wear these with!)
I’m proud of myself for actually buying something I really love rather than something I sort of like just because I need it. (In all honesty, I had a gift card so I didn’t actually spend any of my own money but it was still hard to justify buying a pair of $80 shoes.) I have a hard time justifying buying something costly for myself because I think of all the practical things I could be buying instead. But these shoes are more than just a selfish indulgence, they are a reminder that I need to set aside a more “me” time. Taking care of my family and putting their needs first is important but if I’m not taking care of myself too I’m no good to anyone.
Eventually these shoes will lose their luster, the newness will wear off and they will end up in a pile of stuff to donate to Goodwill. But I hope in 10-15 years I remember that investing in myself is a wise investment (it doesn’t have to cost a thing – these shoes didn’t cost me a penny). Investing in myself doesn’t always mean material items, it’s taking time to step away from all the business of life to recharge my soul and remembering that it’s OK to do something for myself.