I’m 39 weeks pregnant!
Can you believe that? Time flies and yet I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever.
Overall, I feel pretty good most of the time, huge but good.
Notice all of my shirts are too short. I do NOT like my underbelly being exposed.
Today I had my 39 week check up with the midwife and things are looking pretty good.
Baby 2 is measuring about 40 weeks.
He’s getting lower but not in birth position yet.
The midwives think he’ll be a little late. (I’m hoping he’s closer to on-time.)
All of my stats are great except for…. my glucose. 🙁
I haven’t been diagnosed with gestational diabetes but my glucose levels were pretty high today so I have to monitor them for a little while, adjust my diet and exercise more. (We don’t want an 11lb baby) I like to think we eat fairly healthy and I’m pretty active (chasing Jude around all day) but I want to make every effort to help keep this little guy healthy so I’m cutting back on sugars and simple carbs and will be going on a short walk every day.
I would love any advice from people who have experience with gestational diabetes, especially in the food department. What kind of meals did you prepare for your family?