God Gave Us The World Book Review

Anyone that has met my son knows he is a busy little boy, so it surprises me how much he loves to read. He will sit and look through an endless stack of books if he’s not distracted. Every night I read to him a few books before bed. He is always walk to the bookshelf requesting just one more book. He’s just at that age where he is beginning to understand the story and will sit through longer books.
When we received God Gave Us The World I was a little skeptical weather or not he would sit still long enough for me to read the entire book. He immediately starting thumbing through the pages identifying the objects and letters he knows. So as we sat down to read the book I knew I had his attention. He sat intently through the entire reading of the book and needless to say I was thrilled. Not only is his attention span and love of books growing but the story of God Gave Us the World is a beautiful picture of diversity and love.
God Gave Us the World by Lisa Tawn Bergren is about Little Cub’s trip to a special museum exhibit, “Bears Around the World,” sparks a flurry of questions from the young polar bear who is just beginning to learn about life beyond her North Pole home. As Mama Bear shares with her about the different types of places that God has put the various types of bears, with their different kinds of fur and food, Little Cub begins to wonder: Why didn’t God make us all the same? With Mama’s loving guidance, Little Cub is taught to see the vastness of God’s wonderful creation; His abilities as an amazing, inventive Creator; His desire for us to care for our world, and especially the important lesson that… “Every bear has a special place in God’s great, big world.”
Buy: God Gave Us the World is available for $10.99

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I received the featured product in exchange for my honest opinion. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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