4 Great Winners this Wednesday
#572 Miss T
The winner of the Kissaluvs Cloth Diaper giveaway is…
#320 vegan4life
The winner of the Eden Home giveaway is…
#423 carol
The winner of the Fibers $25 GC gi eaway is…
#97 Nelsby
The winner of the Kissaluvs Cloth Diaper giveaway is…
#320 vegan4life
The winner of the Eden Home giveaway is…
#423 carol
The winner of the Fibers $25 GC gi eaway is…
#97 Nelsby
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Jude loves taking a bath. However, it can often be tricky for me to find products that are safe enough for his sensitive skin and natural. Therefore, I was thrilled to try out Episencial’s new Playful Foaming Wash and Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath. Jude particularly love the Bubble bath since bubbles are a big thing…
For Mother’s Day this year Boppy has launched the Mother’s Day Support Program where people can “click to donate” $1 towards a Boppy Pillow to be given to Nurse-Family Partnership. The Nurse-Family Partnership is a nonprofit maternal and early childhood health program that helps vulnerable mothers become knowledgeable and responsible parents. I love that Boppy…
The other day I was doing dishes and as my hand were growing raw from the scrub brush and my fingers were turning colors I thought to myself, “Dish Gloves Genius.” But seriously, who likes sporting an ugly pair of dish gloves while cleaning? Maybe if they were cute. Well, now they are cute thanks…
Over the weekend Jude and I took a trip to our local Food Lion to check out the newest updates. Food Lion has been making some big changes in their stores and we had to check it out. I grew up shopping at Food Lion and have fond memories of shopping with my mom at…
When I was pregnant with Jude one of the first things I added to my registry was BabyLegs. I mean they are so adorable how could I not get a pair for my new baby? Here is Jude, only a few weeks old, wearing his first pair of BabyLegs. Today, he is 2 1/2 years…
This week is National Childhood Injury Prevention Week and I’m working with Energizer to share some important tips about Coin Lithium Batteries. If swallowed these small batteries can cause serious chemical burns in as little as 2 hours. Energizer has designed the packaging of their coin lithium batteries to prevent children from easily opening them….