
I stood around for 3 hours to get my book signed… and I liked it.

I stood around for 3 hours to get my book signed… and I liked it.

I’m a picky reader. I often start books but don’t finish them because…. well honestly I think they suck. So when I find a book series or author that I really enjoy reading it’s kind of a miracle. After Simon was born I bought Jenny Lawson’s (The Bloggess) first book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened:…

My opinion on opinions.

I use the internet alot… mostly to keep in touch with friends(cute pictures of babies mostly), to find information(who sang that song, “Steal My Sunshine”?) and buy things (mostly Freebie Blogs!). One part of the internet I try to steer clear of is all the people that, what I like to call, rant blog. (This…