
Listen to the Music

We love music in our house. Between or massive CD, Record and MP3 collection we probably have over 20,000 songs. You will always find U2, The National, Pulp, Morrissey, David Bowie, and Coldplay in our collection. But recently we’ve been listening to the new Mountain Goats album and the new Thad Cockrell album. Both live…

Sweet Winnings

So a few weeks ago I mentioned that I won a blog giveaway from Guessing All the Way. Well my personalized candy by Treasured Sweets arrived this week and I love it. I guess I never thought about making personalized candy for a special occasion but it’s a great idea. Such a great idea that…


A Fair Day

Yesterday Joe took a much needed half day from work and we went to the NC State Fair. The weather was perfect, warm but not too warm. We saw cows and rabbits both of whom Jude thought were dogs and he barked at them. Then we met up with some friend who have an adorable…

Great Giveaways

First a quick reminder to enter my giveaways:$10 Target Gift Card – Tomorrow is the last day to enter!10/24 $5 Starbucks Gift Card – Because everyone needs coffee. Ends 10/30 Then hop over to a few of these great giveaways…Lamaze Stroll and Go Fun stroller toy giveaway at Lilkidthings. Ends 10/30Gypsy Jewels Nursing Clip giveaway…