Finding quiet time for mama

quiet time mama

There is a constant hum of noise streaming through my house from sun up to well beyond sun down. I consider myself a fairly introverted person and I thrive on quiet moments during which I can meditate and reflect. As you can guess finding quiet time is difficult. But I’m working hard to carve out some peaceful and calming moments from each day.

These moments may not last long but they are rejuvenating in such a powerful way.

Wake Up Early – I know that my best chance of getting some quiet alone time is to wake up early. I am a morning person but right now I have a baby that still wakes up during the night so I treasure every ounce of sleep I can get and waking up early is NOT something I want to do. However, on the days I drag myself out of bed before everyone else is awake my days are almost always better. If you aren’t a morning person you can always stay up later, that’s what my husband does. This doesn’t work for me because I’m usually exhausted by the end of the day.

Be Still – Sometimes I go out for a morning walk and it’s a great way to have some alone time and get exercise but I find the most relaxing times are when I just stop for a few moments and rest in the quiet.

Ambiance – Find a quiet spot. A room that is free of clutter. A place that is comfortable and inviting. I often diffuse some essential oils like Nature’s Sunshine, REFUGE Calming Blend to help set the mood.

Photo Sep 21, 6 37 28 PM

The Nature’s Sunshine REFUGE Calming Blend features: Lavender, Orange, Atlas Cedar, Ylang Ylang, Blue Tansy, Vanilla.

Even after my few moments of quiet have ended I try to continue to keep my home calm and balanced by continuing to use the REFUGE essential oils blend.

My quiet time might not last very long but those few minutes at the beginning everyday are sometimes exactly what I need to set the tone for a calm and productive day being a mama to my 4 boys.

I received the featured product complementary to review for this post. The opinions expressed are my own and not influenced by the company.

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