Saturdays at Home

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day for us Liebs. We got up at a respectable time but didn’t leave the house until after lunch. We played together, ate together and just had a good time. Joe made a delicious lunch of brie and tomato on a freshly baked baguette. YUM!

After lunch we went to the library for a bit. The came home where Jude took a long nap, Joe studied for his MCSE cert and I went shopping… by myself!
After nap time we spent more time at home. Joe made another delicious meal of Chicken Cannelloni… but don’t give him too much credit it was a Bertolli Oven Bake meal. (However, it was pretty cheap with my super doubles deal)
After Jude went to bed Joe went to Tir Na Nog for the Raleigh Undercover Show featuring The Whale Watchers covering the Doobie Brothers. I, however stayed home and watched a chick-flick. While I wish I could have joined all of our friends for the show I really enjoyed my night watching Confessions of a Shopaholic.
I’m really glad we had such a nice relaxing Saturday. I was looking at the calendar today and realized that we have a party or some other commitment every Saturday for the rest of the month. While I enjoy parties with my friends I really like days of nothing-ness.
In other news I found my camera… or rather Joe found it between the couch cushions. I haven’t posted any pictures lately because I couldn’t find it. Well, now it’s back and I plan to take a lot of pictures of babies, friends and things.

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