Mourning to Dancing

I feel an unexplainable and illogical joy this morning.
Yesterday was a very hard day but it was also a beautiful day filled with grace and love.
We spent almost 3 hours at the doctors office in the morning. Jude didn’t take a single nap all day. We were sad. However, during our time of mourning we received an abundance of love and support from our family and friends. Joe’s boss gave him the rest of the day off and we spent the afternoon just being a family. We went to the library, took a walk, and relaxed at a coffee shop. Jude finally went to bed a little earlier than usual. Joe and I had a quiet dinner together, watched a good movie and went to bed at a reasonable hour. I awoke this morning with so much peace it made me laugh. I’m sitting here listening to music and watching Jude laugh as he toddles around the house.

I’m reminded of Psalm 30:11-12 “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing: you have put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; to the end that my glory may sing praise to you, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you for ever.”

God is so good. We are so blessed. Blessed to have friends that extended offers to help watch Jude, bring us food or just help in anyway possible. I know we have so many faithful friends that are praying for us and we can definitely feel those prayers.

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